Analytica Business Consultants

Business Combination

What is a Business Combination? 

A business combination is a type of transaction in which two businesses merge to expand their size by using the acquisition of the other company and the subsequent control of its operations and workforce. It is the merging of two or more companies to accomplish a single objective by eradicating competition.

A business combination is an agreement whereby one company buys the management of another. (the acquiree). Instead of expanding through natural (internal) processes, business mergers and acquisitions are a frequent method for businesses to expand their size. Combinations can be used to quickly expand product ranges, take market share, and open up new markets.

A company is an integrated system of operations and resources that can give investors a return in the form of dividends, cost savings, or other financial advantages. Typically, a company has inputs, processes, and outputs. You can substitute other factors, such as starting operations, having plans to create output, and having access to customers who can buy the outputs, for factors that an entity in the development stage may not yet have, such as outputs.

A business combination does not entail the creation of a joint venture or the purchase of a collection of assets that do not make up a business.

Business Combination Explained

When two or more entities join, a business combination agreement is created. In the process, one company buys another company, which aids in its ability to diversify, grow in size, and extend its market and customer base.

Unlike organic growth, which occurs internally and calls for the use of a company’s resources, this procedure involves one business buying another to expand.

It enables the acquiring business to gain access to more of the target company’s assets, goodwill, cash, and other valuable assets. The liabilities are also incurred during the accounting for company combinations. The process begins after the contact is established. However, the target firm must operate in a sector that can satisfy consumer demand and create wealth. The acquiring firm does not, however, obtain complete control.

Key Elements and Terms of Business Combination

It’s crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts and components of acquisition to comprehend what a business combination means. 

  • Acquirer: The purchasing firm is assuming ownership and management of another firm. 
  • Control: The ability to make important management choices that have an impact on the business’s finances and operations. 
  • Acquiree: The business whose equity or net assets are purchased by the acquirer is the seller.  
  • One of the key components in business: Is a collection of tasks and resources that can be independently managed, deliver products and services to the client, and bring in additional revenue for the investors through interest and dividends. To put it simply, an integrated system can handle standard business operations. 
  • Asset acquisition: Under this plan, purchasers only assume certain obligations and properties. Although it assumes the risk for the entire entity, the buyer only gains control over the assets it has bought.  


In a corporate combination, where one company acquires control of another company, the following qualities are of utmost significance.

  • Target Business Viability: For the acquiring organization to gain from the deal, the target business must possess the necessary resources, systems, or other inputs.
  • Consideration: The business combination accounting deal is only complete when the acquiring organization transfers the target company a predetermined sum in the form of cash, stock, or receivables, known as Consideration.
  • Control of the Business: To have controlling powers over the target organization, the acquiring organization must own 50% of its stock.

The Objectives of a Business Combination

Market expansion:

Organic company growth takes time. Companies acquire the operations of other organizations that operate in the same sector but serve a distinct market. The primary goal is to expand the clientele and market share. 

Expansion of the product line:

Establishing a new product line from inception is a time-consuming and challenging process. Companies may merge with another business that offers the desired product range. Combining these two benefits prevents businesses from starting from scratch while allowing them to buy an established company.   

Elimination of competition:

Market leaders assume control of rival businesses to end rivalry in the sector. It’s profitable to combine businesses under one management, and this promotes market monopolies. 

Effective management:

The company’s assets are its workers and skilled administrators. The top managerial talent is also brought together when two or more businesses are combined. Employees and management are included in business combination deals with assets and liabilities. Few mergers occurred, particularly those bringing in administrators with expertise and experience.

Business Combination Accounting

The acquisition technique of accounting must be used by the entities. The stages used in this method are as follows:

  • Determine the buyer
  • The acquisition date, which is the day authority is handed over to the acquirer, should be determined.
  • Recognize any non-controlling interests in the acquirer as well as the assets acquired and obligations assumed.
  • Recognize and quantify any gains from great deals due to business combination trades.

Following company mergers, consolidated financial statements are created. Two sets of financial records are prepared by the acquirer. It gets ready to merge the acquirer’s financial statement with its own. Included material was obtained after the fact. The consolidated financial records will not include anything from the time before the acquisition.   


Let’s examine the different ways that businesses can combine.

1 – Horizontal Combination

This kind of merging aims to create a business alliance between two or more companies that operate in the same industry. Due to this combination, there is less rivalry, which raises market capitalization.

2 – Vertical Combination

The vertical combo combines various phases of the same company. For instance, numerous companies run independent enterprises at various stages. Sequence combination or process combination are other names for this. It unifies various departments under a singular point of control. The main goal is to lower the production expense per unit.

3 – Lateral Combination

This kind of business combination combines two companies that deal in various business sectors but are nevertheless linked in some manner.

3a) Convergent

The combination of various business entities, such as raw material suppliers to a large company, is known as a convergent combination. In this kind of arrangement, the bigger company gains from providing raw materials and having access to its inventory.

3b) Divergent

The combination of major companies that work in related industries and use the major company’s products as raw materials are known as a divergent combination.

3c) Diagonal

A “diamond combination” combines a production firm with a service-related enterprise. The goals of the business combination in this case are to provide service for the sold goods and foster customer happiness and confidence because the customer can count on the organization to provide after-sales service.

3d) Mixed

Agreements for mixed-business combos are also known as circular combinations. A new company known as a mixed combination is created when these unrelated companies come together. Insights from the management of both organizations will be incorporated into the new business form to help create an organizational and functional framework that will result in the most effective way to run the company.

Advantages of the business combination

Benefits of combining companies for company

1. Cost Saving:

Business mergers remove wasteful rivalry. Combining the advertising and sales marketing expenses of various small businesses can result in cost savings.

2. Boost Sales:

Businesses can attain economies of scale by joining forces. They gain an edge by buying raw materials in bulk and making savings in production, marketing, finance, and other areas. As a result, they are inexpensive. Products can be offered for less money, which boosts sales.

3. Sales and Profit Rise:

By joining forces, businesses can explore new markets, reach out to new consumer groups, conduct research, and create new goods. As a consequence, sales and profits rise.

4. Implement Industry Best Practices:

Businesses that come together to form one big entity. Such a big organization would have a lot of money. The resources can be used to hire qualified and experienced personnel, buy the newest technology, and implement industry best practices.

5. Increased Production:

Products can be produced on a bigger scale and all the combined firms can use patents that one of the firms has.

6. Market Dominance:

A merged company can have market dominance over supply pricing and occasionally even monopoly power.s

7. Handle Difficult Situations Easily:

Small businesses would struggle to endure a recession or a depression. If small businesses join forces, the combined company would have enormous resources and scale of operations, allowing it to thrive even in difficult situations.

8. Combined Experience:

Businesses that merge can share information and expertise. A vast pool of such common knowledge can be advantageous to all the companies in the combination.

9. Increased Assets Value:

The assets of the new company would be worth more. The business could raise capital much more readily with its assistance.

10. Reduces Overproduction Danger:

Businesses can schedule their output based on the demands of the market. It is possible to significantly lower the danger of overproduction. If businesses band together, they can readily solve some of the common issues they face. They can speak collectively for their requests to the government.

In general, exporters favor vendors who can provide large amounts. Large production capacities are available between companies. As a result, they can satisfy exporter demand and boost revenue.

Advantages of business combinations to consumers

  1. The merged companies have substantial financial means. By making use of these resources, they would be able to provide customers with higher-quality goods and services.
  2. A combined company would have more funding for research to create fresh, new goods. Customers would be able to upgrade to better products that more effectively meet their requirements.
  3. Mergers produce large-sized businesses. Large businesses benefit from economies of size. They would be able to offer the products for less money, which would benefit the customers, thanks to the advantages of economies of scale.
  4. A combined company would be able to offer better customer service, establish more branches, and create various goods to satisfy customer needs.


  • Employment loss – Because processes will be combined, fewer people will be needed to complete some duties.
  • Since the economic power would be transferred to a select few people running the business, it could lead to economic inequality. resulting in variations in the economy’s revenue distribution.
  • Since there may be cultural differences among the employees of the companies, efficient communication and getting every department or business unit on the same page pose enormous challenges in the early stages. This may lead to ineffective coordination and necessitate redoing a straightforward job.

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