Analytica Business Consultants

The Concept of Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquistions

What are Mergers & Acquisitions?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are business consolidations. Mergers are the merger of two companies to form one, whereas Acquisitions are the acquisition of one company by another. M&A is a significant aspect of the corporate finance world. The general reasoning behind M&A is that two separate companies combined create more value than being on their own. Companies continue to evaluate various merger and acquisition opportunities to maximize their wealth. We at Analytica Consultants will explain to you in this blog “How we are providing services to your upcoming merger”.

What is the Main Purpose of Merger?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are the processes by which two or more organizations merge to form a single entity. The ultimate goal of mergers and acquisitions is to create synergies that increase the profit of the newly formed business. However, companies have numerous other reasons to pursue M&A, including increased market share, access to new technology and customer base, and economies of scale. We Analytica Consultants specialize in providing data-driven solutions to complex business problems, using the latest analytical techniques and tools.

Benefits of Undertaking Mergers and Acquisitions

There are several potential advantages to participating in M&A transactions. The most obvious benefit is the potential to build a more competitive company. A company that acquires another company gains access to new technology, resources, and a larger customer base.

It can also cut operational costs by eliminating redundant departments and positions. Analytica Consultant’s well-executed CFO service provider assures the M&A transactions can give a company a competitive advantage in the market.

  • Economies of Scale
  • Economies of Scope
  • Synergies in Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Benefit in Opportunistic Value Generation
  • Increased Market Share
  • Higher Levels of Competition
  • Access to Talent
  • Diversification of Risk
  • Faster Strategy Implementation
  • Tax Benefits

1.    Economies of Scale

The promise of economies of scale to underpin all M&A activity. The advantages of growing include: 

  • Increased access to capital,
  • lower costs as a result of higher volume,
  • better bargaining power with distributors, and more.

Analytica Consultants can be a valuable partner in achieving economies of scale for businesses and a potential service provider for your needs.

While buyers should always avoid the urge to partake in “empire building,” larger companies usually enjoy advantages that smaller companies do not.

2.  Economies of Scope

Mergers and acquisitions bring a sustainable competitive advantage that organic growth does not always provide. One need only look at Facebook to see that this is true. Even though its platform allows users to share photos and contact companies involved in the merger. This helps identify potential risks and opportunities for synergies.

Some of the best transactions take place when a business isn’t even actively looking to acquire another one. The purchase price for these deals is typically lower than the net assets of the target company’s fair market value. These businesses frequently have some financial difficulties, but deals can be negotiated to keep them operating while the buyer gains immediate value as a direct result of the purchase.

3.  Synergies

Synergies are typically described as ‘one plus one equaling three: the value that comes from two companies working together in tandem to make something far more powerful.

An example is provided by Disney acquiring Lucasfilm. Lucasfilm was already a huge cash generator through the Star Wars franchise, but Disney can add theme park rides, toys, and merchandise to the customer offering. Analytica Consultants can help identify synergies by analyzing the business processes of the merging companies. By identifying areas of overlap and inefficiencies, they can recommend changes that will optimize operations and reduce costs.

4.   Talent Availability

The answer will almost always be some variation of “people that can code” if you ask anyone in the recruitment sector where the biggest talent shortages currently exist. Identification of Key Talent: Analytica Consultants can help identify key talent within the merging companies. This includes assessing the skills, experience, and potential of employees to determine who will be critical to the success of the merged entity.

5.   A significantly larger share of the market

Increased market share is one of the more prevalent reasons for M&A. There has always been significant industry consolidation in retail banking because historically, retail banks have considered their regional footprint to be essential to gaining market share (the majority of nations have a set of “Big Four” retail banks). Santander, a Spanish retail bank, is a notable example because it actively pursues the purchase of smaller banks, which has helped it grow into one of the biggest retail banks in the world.

6.   More intense competition

Analytica Consultants can help businesses optimize their operations to increase efficiency and reduce costs. This can include identifying areas where automation or outsourcing may be beneficial, or finding ways to streamline existing processes to improve productivity. In theory, a corporation becomes more competitive as it grows larger. As an illustration, dozens of new businesses are currently penetrating the market for plant-based meat and offering a variety of vegetable-based “meats.”

7.   Risk Diversification

This is related to economies of scope: A corporation can distribute risk among its various income streams by having more of them rather than concentrating on just one, as a result of having more revenue streams

8.  Faster Deployment of the Strategy

The best way to transform a long-term strategy into a mid-term strategy may be through mergers and acquisitions. Consider a scenario in which a business wishes to enter the Canadian market. It may start from scratch and hope to achieve the desired scale in five to ten years. Alternatively, it may be a company, with its customer base, distribution, and brand value, and gain from them all after the acquisition is completed.

Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions - Business Growth

Risks of Undertaking Mergers and Acquisitions

While there are many potential benefits to engaging in M&A, there are also risks that need to be taken into consideration. One of the major risks is the potential for a culture clash between the two entities. Additionally, unexpected costs may arise, and there is the potential for miscommunication between two different organisations. Finally, there is the risk that the transaction may not create the desired synergies and may instead damage the profitability of the newly formed business. Analytica Consultants can help businesses assess the risks associated with undertaking mergers and acquisitions (M&A) through a detailed analysis of the financial and operational aspects of the deal.

Mergers & Acquisitions can take place

  • by purchasing assets
  • by purchasing common shares
  • by exchange of shares for assets
  • by exchanging shares for shares

Types of Mergers and Acquisitions

Merger or amalgamation may take two forms: merger through absorption or merger through consolidation. Types of Mergers and Acquisitions can also be classified into three types from an economic perspective depending on the business combinations, whether in the same industry or not, horizontal (two firms are in the same industry), vertical (at different production stages or value chain) and conglomerate (unrelated industries). From a legal perspective, there are different types of mergers like short-form mergers, statutory mergers, subsidiary mergers, and mergers of equals.

Reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions

There are various reasons for mergers and acquisitions between organizations:

  1. Financial synergy for lower cost of capital
  2. Improving the company’s performance and accelerating growth
  3. Economies of scale
  4. Diversification for higher growth products or markets
  5. To increase market share and positioning giving broader market access
  6. Strategic realignment and technological change
  7. Tax considerations
  8. Undervalued target
  9. Diversification of risk

How many stages are involved in any M&A

There are multiple stages in mergers and acquisitions that must be taken into consideration.

Phase 1: Pre-acquisition review: this would include self-assessment of the acquiring company with regards to the need for M&A, ascertain the valuation (undervalued is the key) and chalk out the growth plan through the target.

Phase 2Search and screen targets: This would include searching for the possible apt takeover candidates. This process is mainly to scan for a good strategic fit for the acquiring company.

Phase 3Investigate and valuation the target: Once the appropriate company is shortlisted through primary screening, a detailed analysis of the target company has to be done. This is also referred to as due diligence.

Phase 4: Acquire the target through negotiations: Once the target company is selected, the next step is to start negotiations to come to a consensus for a negotiated merger or a bear hug. This brings both companies to agree mutually to the deal for the long-term working of the M&A.

Phase 5: Post-merger integration: If all the above steps fall in place, there is a formal announcement of the agreement of merger by both the participating companies.

Stages of Mergers and Acquisitions

Reasons for the failure of M&A – Analyzed during the stages of M&A

Poor strategic fit: Wide differences in the objectives and strategies of the company

Poorly managed Integration: Integration is often poorly managed without planning and design. This leads to failure of implementation Incomplete due

Diligence: Inadequate due diligence can lead to failure of M&A as it is the crux of the entire strategy

Overly optimistic: Too optimistic projections about the target company lead to bad decisions and failure of the M&A

Example: Breakdown in merger discussions between IBM and Sun Microsystems happened due to disagreement over price and other terms.


M&As are considered important change agents and are a critical component of any business strategy. The known fact is that with businesses evolving, only the most innovative and nimble can survive. That is why it is an important strategic call for a business to opt for any arrangements of M&A. Once through the process, on a lighter note, M&A is like an arranged marriage, partners will take time to understand, and mingle, but will end up giving positive results most of the time.

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